Scottish Capri Club

"Keeping the Legend Alive"
Who are we and what are we all about?
We're a like minded group of individuals passionate about the all models of the iconic Ford Capri, our aim, Keeping the Legend Alive.
We are predominately based in the North East of Scotland, holding monthly meetings in Aberdeen, but also have members throughout the length and breadth of Scotland, including some south of the border.
The club attends a number of shows both locally and nationally each year and also holds an annual event, with 2021 marking the 30th Anniversary from the first event and another event for 2022 also planned.
We also have a large stock of new and 2nd hand Capri parts which are offered to club members at reduced prices as well as extensive technical knowledge on the cars, so whether your looking for a part or advise there will almost certainly be someone in the club willing and able to help.
Anyone is welcome to join the club from young to old, casual enthusiast to devoted collector or even full out track racer. To truly get the best from the club we encourage active membership, by attending shows, meetings, runs and social events with the club and not just reading the monthly magazine!
The club also has an active Facebook page and internet forum, please check these out along with the rest of the website and if you're interested in joining see our memberships section for full details.
We're a like minded group of individuals passionate about the all models of the iconic Ford Capri, our aim, Keeping the Legend Alive.
We are predominately based in the North East of Scotland, holding monthly meetings in Aberdeen, but also have members throughout the length and breadth of Scotland, including some south of the border.
The club attends a number of shows both locally and nationally each year and also holds an annual event, with 2021 marking the 30th Anniversary from the first event and another event for 2022 also planned.
We also have a large stock of new and 2nd hand Capri parts which are offered to club members at reduced prices as well as extensive technical knowledge on the cars, so whether your looking for a part or advise there will almost certainly be someone in the club willing and able to help.
Anyone is welcome to join the club from young to old, casual enthusiast to devoted collector or even full out track racer. To truly get the best from the club we encourage active membership, by attending shows, meetings, runs and social events with the club and not just reading the monthly magazine!
The club also has an active Facebook page and internet forum, please check these out along with the rest of the website and if you're interested in joining see our memberships section for full details.
2022 Event
After the success of the 30th event last year (and thanks to everyone who attended and made it a success) we have decided to host another for 2022 (31!) . This years format is similar but also subtly different. We will once again have a road run on the Saturday, route tbc but will be different to last year. On the Sunday instead of hosting our own event we are going to pair up with the already established and popular Allford event held in Alford at the transport museum. We’ve been in touch with them and they have a space set aside for us already. The dates are the 20th and 21st of August. For entries please click the button below!